The Power of Making Mistakes
Hello everyone and I hope you have had a great couple of weeks. This week I came across a blog I did over 3 years ago, and it really resonated with me. The theme is the power of making mistakes. I have added in some thinking from my most recent interac...
Hello everyone
It’s been a while since I have posted and lots has happened in the meantime, however, it feels very good to be back writing and creating content for all of you. I hope you can stay with me, I will be posting my blog now every fortnight and sending you other content on Leadership a...
Hello everyone
How are you?
We all ask and hear that phrase so often and I guess many of us still say things like “fine” or “yes, good” or “as well as can be expected” or “OK thanks, how are you?, even when we are having one of those days when it feels like everything is falling apart.. Its such ...
Don’t Quit By John Greenleaf Whittier
Hello everyone
First of all I hope everyone of you and your loved ones are well and safe, I am sending you love in this most difficult of times. My heart goes out to everyone who has lost anyone to this awful thing, everyone who is sick right now and all those wonderful key workers who are putting...
Hello everyone and welcome to March
Despite the storms which we are still experiencing, spring very much feels like its on its way😃
March always represents that uplift in the year for me, we have much more daylight, the spring flowers start to come through big style and everything feels lighter an...
The Power of Making Mistakes
Hello everyone and I hope you have had a great couple of weeks.
The weather has been pretty wild across the UK over the last couple of weeks and as ever when Nature decides to provide us with a shake up, it tends amongst other things to highlight weaknesses and m...
Welcome to my first blog post of 2020, I hope you have all had a great start to the year.
It’s that time of year, when the dark mornings and evenings are just starting to show some light, the first snowdrops are out, the gardens starting to show signs of daffodils and crocus coming through and we s...
It’s a difficult time right now, all the uncertainty around, the division and the emotional and mental stress that seems to be in the very air. Its at times like these that it can be very tempting just to hunker down and stick with what you know. Play it safe, be cautious, slow down, circle the w...
Its very familiar in sports – the team talk! We hear about pre match talks, half time talks, post match talks – all of these are a big part of the way sports teams are coached and managed. The ability to give great team talks is seen as a vital skill for leaders in the sporting world.
In corpora...
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